When you put Communicor’s art director, videographer, app developer and exhibit producer together, you come up with nothing short of an amazing interactive exhibit.
Working with the Waukesha Retzer Center, Communicor designed and created a how-to-recycle exhibit tailored to children and young adults. We fabricated a custom-built garbage truck complete with a conveyor belt system, which allows participants to load recyclables into a mobile cart and accompany it throughout the recycling process. They are greeted at the final destination by an animated presentation to help them better understand recycling of glass, plastic and other materials. Communicor created video and visuals for each recyclable listed within the exhibit. Parallel to the recycling exhibit is another interactive exhibit Communicor produced, showcasing Wisconsin’s natural plant life and the utilization of recycled rainwater/water management. The exhibit is accompanied by two custom iPad apps, developed by Communicor, to explore water management and recycling in more detail.
CLIENT: Retzer Nature Center
SERVICES: Interior Signage Design, Illustration, Graphic Production, Animation, Interactive Exhibits, Mobile App Development